On top of the A2 tunnel in Maastricht: De Groene Loper (The Green Carpet)
Not a single one of the thousand Linden trees that were planted on top of the A2 tunnel in Maastricht has died. That's because the sensors keep a constant eye on the growth of the trees.
The gardener is notified when the trees need water. Not a single tree dries out in this way.

What does the client think of the collaboration?
Bert van der Linden, owner of Van der Linden Groen:
“I know the importance of watering and have even developed a sixth sense for it. Yet, in the extreme summers of 2018 and 2019, I lost 15 to 20% of all of my new plantings in other sites. Here, using the soil moisture sensors, no trees died. The sensors bring peace of mind and have more than paid for themselves. Every morning, I first check my dashboard and only then the news.”